I Know, Sense and Feel Everything You Are Going Through

I know the pain that you are experiencing, says the Lord. I Am not just there with you as a witness, but I FEEL every bit of it. It touches Me. It hurts Me when you hurt. You are part of My body, and can you suffer without My knowledge? Can I be unaware of your sorrow and untouched by the very feeling of your infirmities? When I said to cast your care upon Me, did you not realize the weights become MINE? I know and sense and feel everything that you are going through, and I Am not only with you, but in it with you, says the LORD.

Though you suffer with Me, and I suffer with you, I have come alongside to Help, says the LORD. I will heal your wounds. I will mend your broken heart. I will turn things around for you. I will fix the things that are broken. I will straighten out that which is crooked. I will level the insurmountable mountains and fill every valley and make the way clear for you. I will remove the stumbling blocks and hold you up by My own right hand. You will have My support, and I will bring stability into your life and Keep you from falling and failing. I will empower you and strengthen you in your weakness, surround you with My love, and comfort you. As My beloved child, I will be with you in trouble, and will bring you out of it. Just lean on My arms, rest your head on My chest in My presence, feel My embrace, and Know that I Am in the midst of you, to console, help, comfort, heal, repair, revive, restore and renew YOU, because you trust in ME, says the LORD.

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