I Will Exceed Your Expectations and Need - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Exceed Your Expectations and Need

I will exceed your expectations and your need, says the LORD. The Excellence that I give and do is far beyond what you can even calculate. You cannot measure, you cannot anticipate, you cannot comprehend, you cannot even speculate what I can and will do for you when you entrust your life to Me and remove the limitations. If you can think it, if you can imagine it, if you can pray for it, if you can speak it, if you can write it, then it does not qualify for what I have said. I will give you exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask me for, think, imagine, or pray or say! BELIEVE and then leave things up to Me, Who has higher thoughts and ways than yours, says the LORD.

Abundance. Surplus, more than you can dream of, more than you can store, will I pour into you, and you will be a conduit of blessing, says the LORD. I do NOT want you to just survive and get through, but I want YOU TO BE BLESSED to be a blessing to others. I did not call you to be a beggar or impoverished. You are MY BELOVED servant child, and I will give you seed to sow, bread for your food, and more than you can keep and use. Just be a faithful steward of My goodness and mercy and be a gift to others, as I have given you My unspeakable gifts, and filled you with Myself and My Spirit and My glory and My grace, says the LORD.

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