I Will Pour Out My Blessings Upon You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Pour Out My Blessings Upon You

I will open My windows in heaven, and I will pour out My blessings upon you, says the LORD. They are More than you can ask for or imagine. They go beyond your need, beyond your greatest imagination, and exceed your expectations. I will give you what you never asked Me for and you will discover the hidden treasures and gifts that will wow you and astound you. My goodness and mercy will never run dry as I shower you with blessings upon blessings upon blessings, that you will not be able to contain, says the LORD.

That is how much I love you, says the LORD. My blessings that I give you will not have sorrow attached, and you will not wish for any greater. I will fully furnish you, completely satisfy you, and you will not be deprived of any thing that you need, because you trust in Me. I will oversupply you so that you will have MORE than enough, and you will be a conduit of blessings to others as you freely give out of the abundance that you have freely received, and you will be a blessing and gift to many as I have been to you, says the LORD.

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