Joy - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will give you a new song and a dance, says the LORD. You will not sing a dirge or have a mournful sound. I will give you a shout of joy rather than a cry of desperation. You will rejoice rather than have a heart of remorse. For your sorrow will be turned to joy. Your tears will be replaced with a twinkle in your eyes. You will not be sad, but glad. For those days of mourning will be over and the dreary days will soon be forgotten, says the Lord.

New is new, and I will make all things new for you, says the LORD. The waiting room was not delay or denial, but a time of reflection and preparation. For what lies ahead is not what was. The past will not dictate or stifle you or depress you or imprison you, but will only be a launching sight into the NEW that I have ordained, created and authored for you, and YOU WILL REJOICE and sing to the top of your lungs, as your sadness is turned into gladness, you dance and jump for joy, as your purpose unfolds, says the LORD.

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