Laugh hardily at the enemy that is threatening you, and don’t give him any place in your life, says the LORD. Remember that I Am always with you and on your side, and there is no power that can conquer Me, and none that can conquer you. You can make fun of the futile attacks of the enemy, as if they are meaningless, powerless and big and empty words. You have the power over the enemy, and he has NO POWER over you, says the LORD.

You are bigger and more powerful than your worst enemy, because your life is hid in Me, says the LORD. I am your best friend. I dwell in you, as the GREATER ONE! Who does the enemy think he is, to mock you, scorn you, ridicule you and threaten you? He is NOTHING, and I have made you SOMEONE by My SPIRIT in you! You can do everything that I have assigned you to do with great boldness, total strength, and perfect success, for I have fully furnished you and equipped you and empowered you to be successful. You will never be defeated, as you maintain your confidence in Me, and wag your head at the enemy, and JUST keep walking straight forward into the pursuit of your personal promised land of blessing, and possess your possessions, as I have reserved for you, says the LORD.

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