Look onto Me, says the LORD. Call upon Me! I cannot and will not fail to hear you, and I will answer you. Others have failed you in the past, but I will not. They have offered their opinions that did not resolve anything. Don’t seek for solutions from sources that cannot help you. I am your source. I will always bring you through every trial and temptation that you are facing. You will make it through, as you place your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord.
I will secure you, says the LORD. I Am your place of safety. Rely upon My wisdom and My counsel and My infinite understanding! I Am the Almighty, All-knowing, All-seeing, All-wise GOD. I said, “Ask Me for wisdom,” and I will give you My unfailing wisdom. I will give it to you liberally when you ask in faith. Come to Me for the answers you are seeking. I will help you. I will sustain you. I will provide for you. I will uphold you. I will make the path ahead clear for you and make a way for you that did not exist before. Just come, and receive from Me, and be assured of My constant love and care for you, says the LORD.