Magnify the Lord - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Magnify Me and My Great name and My infallible Word, says the LORD. I Am only as big in your life as you will make ME. I AM bigger than the mountains of trials and tests and tribulation. I Am greater than your enemies that may surround you. I AM more powerful than the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I Am the Greater One within you, and I will enlarge you as you embrace My greatness and magnify My presence in your life to fill every portion of your being, every place and space, and beyond, says the LORD.

Cast down those diabolical imaginations and everything that would exalt itself against ME in your life, says the LORD. Relinquish fear. Remove doubts. Extract the deceptive and depressive thoughts and focus on how BIG I Am! Make My Word greater than the words of the enemy, and remember that I Am not small. I Am with you, and there is no power that can destroy you or harm you as you squelch out all the voices of the enemy and amplify MINE! Hear Me now, and SEE ME as bigger than the giants, the walls, the enemy armies, and I will give you grace and fill you with My glory, according to your faith in Me, says the LORD.

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