My Love For You Will Never Decrease - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My love for you will never decrease, says the LORD. I cannot forget you or unlove you. I will not unfriend you as others have. Your heart had been broken many times when others declared that they were your friends, but only used you, abused you, and abandoned you when you needed them the most. I will NEVER do that, says the Lord.

You are greatly beloved of ME, says the LORD. I will always remain attentive to you. I will never change. Others have changed, and some that you invested yourself and your love into only hurt you by rejection and unfaithfulness. But you can depend upon My care, My love, My presence, and My devotion to you. I value My relationship with you and want you to realize that I Am faithfully by your side regardless of who deserts you. I will not condemn or accuse you, but you have My pardon as you confess your sins to Me and receive My grace that is sufficient and abundant for you. I will not hold anything against you, but will empower you to overcome, as I stand alongside of you to help you at all times, says the LORD.

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