My Word Settles Every Question and Concern - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Word Settles Every Question and Concern

My Word settles every question, every concern, and there is no argument against what I have spoken, says the LORD. I watch over My Word to perform it, and it will be done. WHO CAN STOP ME? What case can be brought against me and prevail? NONE! For I Am the Sovereign. My will shall be done and there can be no contest, no dispute and no compromise, says the LORD.

My Word works for you as you use the faith that it will generate in every situation in your life, as you apply it, says the LORD. As My Word is settled in heaven, is infallible, is indisputable, is immutable, so shall it settle you, if you only believe and act upon what I have already declared. In Me is a WIN-WIN situation. Nothing can defeat Me and My eternal Word and work that I have decreed over your life, as you are MY property, My workmanship, My responsibility, and My beloved child. Be at peace in every situation, knowing that My Word is a GOOD Word for you, and it will accomplish MY FINISHED WORK in you and all that pertains to your life and destiny purpose, says the LORD.

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