Never Give Up! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Never give upDon’t be weary, says the LORD. I Am your strength. Never give up before you cross the finished line. Encourage yourself in Me, just as David did, when all things were against Him. He sought Me. He listened to My voice, and he refused to quit even when he was exhausted and distraught. Although it may seem like you are at a disadvantage, do not look at things in the natural, but look unto Me. I will strengthen and help you when you refuse to quit, says the LORD.

I want you to see every challenge that you face as growth producing. Your faith will mature and become stronger as you use it. Have a determination to press forward to the completion of what you KNOW is My perfect plan and will for your life. Your labors for My kingdom will be greatly rewarded, and they are not vain in Me. You will be productive, and promotion awaits you as one of my faithful stewards as you refuse to succumb to weariness and press onto the completion of what I have called and chosen you to accomplish for My kingdom and glory, says the LORD.

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