Rekindle the Fire - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Have faith in Me, your creator, Your Savior, your Lord. Let the light that I have given you brighten your environs and shine for everyone around you to see, says the LORD. Rekindle the fire of My Spirit that is in you. Do not become lukewarm or cold. Be filled with fresh fire as you stir yourself up in My Holy Spirit. Let complacency and apathy be GONE from your mind, as you change your mindset from doubts and fears to faith and trust in Me, regardless of what your circumstances are, says the LORD.

Return to a fiery zeal for the work of My kingdom and let your love for Me be fervent, says the LORD. I will renew your strength as you wait on me. I will renew your mind and give you MY higher thoughts as you meditate on Me and My Word. Put your hands to the plow and do not turn back. Let your desire to please Me be what propels you forward, for you are My called out, special people that I have entrusted and gifted to do the Work of My kingdom that is without end. Your reward awaits that cannot be taken from you. BE FAITHFUL, BE FILLED WITH MY SPIRIT, and GO FORTH WITH renewed determination to fulfill every purpose that I have created and called you to do under the sun, with all of your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength, says the LORD.

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