The Light of My Glory Will Be Seen - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The Light of My Glory Will Be Seen

I have not given you a spirit of depression, says the LORD. The oppressor has. Do not accept his dark presence or entertain his negative thoughts. I will give you My thoughts that are only good, powerful, productive, encouraging, comforting, building, peaceful. Think My thoughts and put voice to My WORDS that I place within your heart. Let them flow out of your innermost being and you will witness that not only will they change you, but your environs with the light of My glory. For I Am the LIVING GOD, the LIVING WORD, and the LIVING WATER that will give you life, empower you, heal, deliver and revive you, and you will be joyous in My presence at all times, and the atmosphere around you will change, says the LORD.

The enemy that is threatening you cannot enforce anything against you, says the LORD. His scare tactics are used to stifle you and cause you to be immobile and unproductive. Just keep moving forward, as you commit all your ways to Me, and watch him MOVE OUT OF YOUR WAY! He cannot touch you, for I Am your shield, and you will have every promise fulfilled that I have spoken over you, as you simply believe, and walk toward your destiny in the light of My Word that gives you clarity of purpose, precision steps, and a glorious outcome, says the LORD.

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