Unimpeachable, Unchangeable, Infallible Love - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Unimpeachable, Unchangeable, Infallible Love

Everything that is good comes from Me, says the LORD. Just the opposite comes from the enemy. I cannot give evil and the enemy cannot do good or give you anything of value. I cannot supply you with flawed things and there is nothing that comes from ME that is not a gift because of My grace that I have given you. You cannot earn any blessing or gift, for My favor is granted to you by your simple, childlike, dependent faith and trust in ME and My finished work on the cross for you, says the LORD.

You cannot purchase My love or My power or My presence or My unspeakable gifts, says the LORD. I give to you out of My pure love for you, and that too is a gift. My love covers you, and it is unimpeachable, unchangeable, infallible. You cannot purchase My love or earn it, but you can receive it and become as I Am. For I give out of the abundance of My heart and Who I AM, and as I fill you with My SPIRIT of love, you too will become a gift of My love that I use for My glory and your life will become a gift and blessing to all around you as you become love, even as I Am, says the LORD.

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