You Will Soar Above the Storm Clouds - Prophetic Light Prophecies

You Will Soar Above the Storm Clouds

You will soar above the storm clouds in your life as you come into My presence and entrust Me with your care, says the LORD. I will carry you into new heights of My glory, far above the cares of your life, and you will be refreshed. You will fly like an eagle, and your strength will be renewed. You will not have anxiety or depression, but will be refreshed and revitalized and filed with fresh new energy and hope, says the LORD.

You are not bound and fettered, for I have set you at liberty, says the LORD. Do not let the evil one fool you, for his lies are always generating fear and trepidation. Give him no place in you and shut the door of your mind to his threats and negative thoughts, and let My Word dwell richly in you. COME up higher and be carefree and fat and full of My blessings, for there is nothing that can hold you back! Just enjoy sweet communion with Me, and KNOW that you are called out of all that darkness into My light, and you are not to entertain one word that the enemy speaks or be concerned about what he is doing. For your life is hid in Me, and you have life and liberty that I have given you, because of your faith and trust in Me and My finished work on the cross or you, says the LORD.

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