Miracle Restoration Project - Prophetic Light News

Miracle Restoration Project

It is a MIRACLE that together we are able to restore this historic church base of Prophetic Light International. This video shows the progress being made to restore the foundation. They will finish it next week.

We are still in need of funds to complete this phase of the restoration, but WE ARE GETTING THERE with the faithful help and support of our partners. We are incredibly grateful to you for your prayers and support, and want to keep you updated with the process and show you the progress being made. It has been an IMPOSSIBLE task, made possible by those who support us around the world. THANK YOU from the depth of our hearts. NONE OF THIS MATTERS if it is not being done to reach the nations for the KINGDOM OF GOD and HIS GLORY. Every person counts! It is MY CONVICTION that no one should be left behind! I Know that GOD is going to POUR OUT miracles in this place that is being prepared as a house of miracles, signs and wonders, deliverance, healing, revival, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit and FIRE. Nothing is more important than the people we reach and serve, with the FULL GOSPEL of JESUS Christ. Thank you again for your wonderful love, support, and faithfulness as we are co-laborers together with Christ to expand His KINGDOM on earth as it is in heaven. TO HELP us to complete the restoration of Prophetic Light Church, please use the donation button on our website: propheticlight.org or send your donations to:

Prophetic Light International
40403 Sunburst Drive
Dade City, Florida 33525


Thank you, and may GOD richly bless you and grant you everything that you need, and more than enough in every area and aspect of your lives as you give.  Prophet June

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