Mission America! - Prophetic Light News

I have been on seven extensive mission trips to Africa where GOD moved mightily in signs and wonders, miracles, healing, the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT and salvation of souls everywhere I went. God sent me there all seven times, by His audible voice.

I have been home from the last mission trip to Africa for one year now. The night before I booked my return flight, I heard the audible voice of the LORD say, “You will go back to America. I will fly with you.” I was on a return flight the very next evening, just before the nations shut down because of the Corona virus. Right after I left, all public transportation was banned as well as all public assemblies in Africa. I returned home JUST ON TIME! I had NO IDEA that things would literally be in lock-down, but GOD knew.

I also heard the LORD say in His audible voice, “You will go back to America. I will pour out My Holy SPIRIT in America. I will pour out miracles. I will open doors for you in America and use you for My glory.”  I have hazarded my life for all seven missions in Africa, and now my focus will be on America.

My own home base is a church where I have been the senior pastor for over 30 years. It is a historic church, and we have restored it and endeavored to maintain it for all those years. Our historic church echo’s a historic faith in GOD and His changeless, infallible, powerful WORD.  We believe in Miracles, signs and wonders!

Now we NEED a new roof. We repaired it several times, but it still has the original roof that exceeds 100 years! It is a metal roof. Now it MUST BE REPLACED.

God is going to use this base for healing and miracles and the salvation of souls. We have already seen many miracles in the church, and all who come have seen signs and wonder. Many have been filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, and fire. GOD is not a regional GOD, and He will use me right here in America like He did in Africa.

We have received an estimate on the roof replacement of $50,000. It is a metal roof and it will last another 50 to one hundred years! We need your help. If you are able to invest in America, in My ministry, in the healing and deliverance and salvation of souls here, I would greatly appreciate your support and help. America needs revival, and it is TIME for us to see a mighty move of GOD right here. This is MISSION AMERICA!

If you wish to help us, please use the donation button on our website of propheticlight.org and USE THE FRIENDS and FAMILY option to eliminate pay pal fees. We will then receive one hundred percent of the funds you donate. Please use the description, “Mission America,” if you wish to help us to restore this church.  You can use a Visa or Mastercard Debit/credit card, or to send your donations directly by mail, please Make checks payable to PROPHETIC LIGHT, with the memo, “Mission America“,  to:

Prophetic Light International
40403 Sunburst Drive
Dade City, Florida 33525

Thank you so very much for your help faithful support! May God Richly bless you.

Prophet June Sheltrown

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