Preparations, Provisions and Prayer Support - Prophetic Light News

Preparations, Provisions and Prayer Support

We are nearing the completion of our historic church base. There are several floors that still need to be done. They need new wood over the existing weak floors before we can retile them. Small trees and stumps need to be removed to improve parking, and a concrete slab has to be replaced in front of the steps in the front entrance. The existing one was badly broken by the heavy trucks that drove over our church property in the road construction project. Since we do not know who is responsible for the damage, we are compelled to remove and replace it for safety reasons. YES, we have come this far by faith!

I also really need to replace my ten year old laptop and need new software to effectively reach the nations through our daily prophecies and videos.

Thank you so much for your faithful support of our ministry of Prophetic Light International, as we reach the nations for the Kingdom of GOD and His glory with the help of our partners. May GOD richly bless you and give you more than enough in every area and aspect of your lives. Prophet June Sheltrown

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