We Thank GOD for Our Restoration Partners! - Prophetic Light News

We Thank GOD for Our Restoration Partners!

The restoration project of our base for Prophetic Light International is ongoing. The Foundation work is scheduled to begin on July 26th. It is a huge project. WE have a big GOD Who owns the church, and you have a big heart that joins hands with us to restore this church for the glory of GOD. WE cannot do this alone, and those who stand with us, pray with us, and support us are an essential part, and we thank you.

We have a Long way to go. We paid the down payment of 25 percent when I signed the contract. Since then we raised $2,155.00 for this present project to date that costs $31,741.60. Every dollar we receive in donations goes to the work of the ministry of Prophetic Light, and we are thankful and grateful to you for your partnership, your love, your faithfulness, your prayers, and your financial support. We are here to MINISTER, here to serve, and live to expand the Kingdom of GOD on earth as it is in heaven. May GOD richly bless you and restore you as you give, and give you MORE THAN ENOUGH, and use you greatly for His glory in these finest days of His church that lies ahead. Prophet June

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