Be thankful for all that I have already done for you and all that I Am in your life, says the LORD. I will inhabit your praises, and I want your heart to rejoice in My goodness and mercy that are everlasting for you. You have been given priceless gifts that are good, and I will never withhold anything good from you. I have much more for you to discover that is reserved for you. The enemy cannot steal, kill and destroy My plans and purposes and he cannot unseat you from my presence, destroy My work in you, or rob you of your blessings that will only enrich you and give you that which cannot be removed from you, says the LORD.

I will give you unspeakable joy in My presence, regardless of what is happening all around you, says the LORD. You are safe and secure in My arms that embrace you. My table that is set for you will furnish you, nourish you, fill you. My pavilion is a refuge for you. You have everything to be thankful for, and as you enter into My presence with thanksgiving, you will posture yourself to receive those things that I have already prepared for you that BELONG TO YOU. As you are seated with Me, at My table, you will enjoy intimate friendship and fellowship with ME. You will be fat and full of My blessings, and they will not be depleted or cease to be poured out onto you in the midst of the enemy that cannot receive these benefits of My kingdom. You will, and your joy will be full as I satisfy your mouth with GOOD things, and give you more than enough, because you belong to Me, says the LORD.

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