Boldly Proclaim My Word - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and speak boldly and powerfully My wonderful words of Life, says the LORD. It is not a time for silence, but a time for bold proclamation. My Word is powerful and penetrating, healing and delivering. It is life giving and transforming. It will transform you and all who will hear. SPEAK! Speak life. Speak healing. Speak deliverance! Speak the truth that will liberate and set others free, says the LORD.

My Word is not bound, and it will produce life, says the LORD. It is light and will be light around you in even the darkest corners of your environs. My Words that are Spirit and LIFE will bring life into all who hear. How can they hear if there is no voice in the earth? I have given you My Word, empowered you by My Spirit, made you My witnesses, and given you a commission to reach the lost. Don’t cower, but obey My command. Your life will impact others when you refuse to blend into the crowd. Be the light I have called you to be, and expand My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Be courageous, bold as a lion, and strong in your faith that is alive, powerful, and active as you impact your region with My Word, says the LORD.

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