I Have Called and Chosen You - Prophetic Light

I Have Called and Chosen You

I have called and chosen you for such a time as this, says the Lord. It is not something that will be or has been, but what is now.  I Am with you now, and working in you to desire to do My good pleasure.  Even as you are wondering what you can do to affect the world around you, I Am causing you even now to be light in the very dark corners of your own environment.  Do not fret about what will be.  Do what I ask for you to do that is right in front of you.  For this is your NOW assignment.  I Am using you now to touch others that see My light and glory upon you. I Am causing your life to be like that written letter that is known and seen of others.  They notice that I Am with you. They notice that you belong to Me.  They hear you and take notice that you have been set aside for MY purpose and glory, says the Lord.

It is not a some day destiny, but a NOW work that you are doing, sys the Lord. I will bring you into the fullness one moment and one step at a time. Where you are now is where I have positioned you to be and your life is impacting others around you.  I will cause you to come into the fullness of that which I have birthed in you as you fulfill your NOW purpose in ME.  It is a process, and even now as you wait on Me, I am downloading My character into you. I Am training you for that which is to come. Nothing is a waste of time, for I Am your builder and maker, and you are learning; you are growing; you are changing, and this will prepare you for the best that is yet to come.  I Am not finished with you yet, and will use you mightily as you entrust Me in THIS TIME of preparation.  Let Me do the leading. Listen to My still small voice on the inside of you, for I Am speaking, I Am leading, I Am in control of all your times and seasons, and you are on your way to the fullness of your destiny in Me.  Be patient.  For every step is important, and I will set the pace and you will not be on hold or delayed.  Trust in Me at all times, for I will surely bring you into that which I have prescribed for your life on time, says the LORD.

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