I Will Provide

Come and get it, come and dine, says the LORD. I will open wide My hand, and I will provide for you. I will prepare a banquet table for you in your wilderness, and I will supply you with all that you need and desire. For I have you in the palm of My hand, and I will give you a good portion. I will give you the desire of your heart, and much more. I will bring you out of the wilderness and cause you to inherit your promised land filled with milk and honey, filled with supernatural provision.  I will comfort you and bring you into your kingdom purpose in Me, and you will have great joy, says the LORD.

You will be fat and full of MY blessings, says the LORD.  They will exceed your greatest expectation. For you are just passing through the wilderness and it is not your dwelling place. I will fully provision you through your journey and you will lack nothing. The bountiful blessings await you as you go forward. Follow Me, for I will not steer you wrong and will never entrap you. I will bring you into the fullness of your destiny and the blessings that I promised you, that are just ahead for you, says the LORD.

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