Delay Is Not Denial - Prophetic Light

Delay Is Not Denial

Delay is not denial, says the LORD.  I Am an on time GOD.  Do not allow your frustrations with the process spoil your faith and trust in Me or cause you to ask where I AM.  I AM with you always. I AM preparing a place for you. I AM preparing you for this place that I have for you.  The steps that you take are ordained of ME, and I am on task to assure that you are ON Time as well.  I have not disqualified you, but AM qualifying you in ME. I Am in control of every person, place and thing, and nothing can stop Me from fulfilling every purpose in you under the sun.  You have been born for a purpose and MY DNA is in you.  I birthed you into My family.  You are royalty.  I have birthed in you MY kingdom purpose, and what is My vision becomes yours, says the LORD.

Keep your eyes on Me, says the LORD. Trust exclusively in ME. The cloud of My presence and glory always hovers over you, and you are never away from ME.  I have Made you an earthly tabernacle that is movable, bendable and able to be sent.  I have given you eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand, so that you are able to move with Me when I move.  As the cloud of My presence moves, pull up the stakes of your earthly tabernacle and move with ME.  For I will lead you softly on. I Am not way ahead of you so that you lose sight of Me or My voice becomes just a distant sound.  I will gently move and give you the ability to keep up with ME. You are always in My sight and My voice is always speaking to you in clarity so that you not only hear Me, but know that this is MY voice that is speaking and leading you.  You never have to fear today or your future, because it is all in My hands and I will provision you, position you, lead and guide you, help you and see to it that you arrive safely into your kingdom purposes in Me, fully furnished unto every good work that I have called you to do, says the LORD.

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