Don't Become Battle Fatigued - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Become Battle Fatigued

Don’t become battle fatigued or weary in well-doing, says the LORD. Don’t let the footmen weary you. What will you do when the horsemen come? I did not call you to cower, but to resist the dark one, and he will flee from you. Resistance has no elements of passivity. It is a call to action, not idle faith. You are to engage in the fray rather than becoming an observer. I call you to arms, so strap on My armor, use the weapons that I have given you, and war a good warfare against the dark one and his evil agenda, says the LORD.

Your weapons are not physical, mental, emotional, psychological, mechanical, or earthly, says the LORD, I have given you powerful, spiritual weapons that are MIGHTY through Me. Nothing can be greater, and you will only prevail as you use them, the Sword of MY SPIRIT, and fight the GOOD fight of faith. Be courageous in prayer, deep in meditation upon My Word, and press into My presence. Your battle is My battle, and it can only be won as you contend for the faith, keep it, and use it, says the LORD

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