Endurance, Overcoming, Preparation, Revival

Prophetic Word for 2021. This is the first year that I would not publish a Prophetic Word for the year as I had in every previous year. WHY? Because it was NOT a pleasant and encouraging word. I had some of it written, and still have it. I shared only bits and pieces with a hand full of people. This was published on my website on June 24th. I am republishing it now.

The LORD told me in the audible voice SO MANY TIMES, “You are My prophet, My voice in the earth.”

What He speaks is not just for my nation, but the world. I was also unclear as to the TIMING of this Word that GOD gave me. HE did not tell me if it was going to be for the year 2021 or LONGER. I just know that IT IS THE WORD OF THE LORD. Half the year is over, and parts have already happened. Again, this does not mean that this word will be fulfilled in 2021. I believe it goes on LONGER and…

2020, was the beginning of sorrows, BUT not the GREAT TRIBULATION. We thought there would be breakthrough this year and things would return to normal. But not so fast! This is what I saw….

This is a year of ENDURANCE. Endure hardness as a good soldier in Jesus Christ. Endure the trying of your FAITH. The sufferings of this present time are not able to be compared to the glory to come (Romans 8:18). Some will have their faith shipwrecked, because they set their affections on the things of earth rather than on things that are above. They have their treasure on earth rather than in heaven. They are the ones who believe in the prosperity doctrines of man rather than receiving eternal rewards. They have labored for the meat that perishes rather than the meat of the Word of GOD that cannot change or pass away and can NEVER be taken from them. They did not believe that many are the afflictions of the righteous, (who will be delivered from them all), but thought they would be exempt from them. They felt entitled to everything this side of eternity. Herein is the Patience of the legitimate saints that are called to endure to the END! They will be saved.

I saw a great falling away. The love of many will become cold. I saw an exodus from the apostate, lukewarm church. Many who have become deceived and disillusioned by the feel good but not DO GOOD cultural messages, the watered-down gospel and doctrines of men, will not be rooted and grounded to endure the storms that are COMING. They will be angry because it did NOT work for them as they expected. Instead of being angry with the false doctrines and teachers, they will be angry with GOD WHO did not call or choose these false prophets or leaders: those who are in the ministry for money, fame and a following, became crowd pleasers rather than followers of GOD. They speak the ear tickling messages that people want to hear rather than the Word of GOD that would change lives, build faith, and prepare them for what is coming upon the earth. Judgment will begin at the house of GOD! Those who praised the gods of silver and gold, the materialistic, will discover that money cannot save them. Candle sticks WILL BE REMOVED.

I saw death and disaster in this year. I saw mass graves somewhere but did not know where it was! I saw a “new” pandemic arising that would make the first one look small in comparison. When they say, “Peace and Safety,” sudden destruction will come upon them. Many who escaped the first one will not escape the second one.

I saw earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons,  pandemonium. I saw civil wars.

I saw the shaking of the nations! I saw worldwide economic crisis.

The church will be refined in the fire. He is coming for a church that is without spot, wrinkles and blemishes. A glorious church. WE must be purified and READY.

Revelations 3:15-21 (KJV): I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

This year, 2021 will be likened onto a Daniel’s fast of 21 days. The remnant will get into the secret place of the most Hight GOD. They will be spared, have miraculous provision, and be filled with the SPIRIT of GOD and surrounded by HIS GLORY.

I saw the remnant building their ark for the safety and saving of their households. The blood of the Lamb (CHRIST) will be on their door posts and door mantles.

I saw this year as a year of preparation. The remnant will be PREPARED for the revival that will sweep across the nations. There will be TRUE repentance, Revival and the harvest will be GREAT. There will be a famine in the Land for the TRUE WORD of GOD, but GOD’s Word will be proclaimed by the remnant warriors, and seekers WILL FIND HIM and the true WORD OF GOD that is powerful, life changing, transforming, purifying, empowering, healing, delivering.

The revival that is coming will be GLORIOUS. SIGNS AND WONDERS will be the NORMAL. Miracles and healing and deliverance will NOT BE hit and miss! GOD will POUR OUT HIS SPIRIT, POUR OUT MIRACLES! Pour out HIS MANISEST PRESENCE and GLORY. God will use His called-out remnant to bring in a harvest that is GREAT and use them mightily for HIS GLORY as HIS KNGDOM is expanded on earth, and the real gospel is preached that transforms lives. Miracles will fall like the rain, and the Word, with persecutions, will prosper and bring phenomenal results.

I Am yours truly in Christ, Prophet June Sheltrown

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