Growth and Expansion - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Growth and Expansion

This is a season of change, says the Lord. I Am issuing you into the NEW.  I will do a new thing with you and through you. It will not be mundane, stagnant or unfruitful. I have lopped off the unproductive elements from you and it has not been comfortable for you.  You had thought that the branching out on every side was an indication that you were making much progress in Me.  But you were not as productive as you expected. Now you will  be fruitful and multiplied in this new season.  You will experience NEW GROWTH and EXPANSION beyond your original vision, says the LORD.

Your vision was not expansive enough.  It was not MINE, says the Lord.  Trust that this new season will be far reaching and productive beyond your greatest imagination. I Am in this change. Do not lament the old ways and the old comfort zone that you felt secure in.  I will lead you into the fullness of your destiny in Me that exceeds your greatest imaginations, causes you to proclaim, “Look what the Lord has done,” and you will reap a bountiful, unimaginable harvest for My Kingdom, says the LORD.

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