Honor Comes from Me - Prophetic Light

Honor Comes from Me

Honor comes from Me, says the LORD, and I have honored you because you have honored me.  I Am promoting you because you have sought My kingdom and My righteousness first. You are precious in My sight and like a pearl of great price. I have purchased you with My own shed blood and My stripes that were placed upon Me heals you. There is nothing that is good that I will keep you from. I have prepared you a place at My banquet table, a place of honor, that is reserved only for you.  Come and receive of My fullness, and partake of all that I have prepared for you.  Everything that you have need of is provisioned by Me and you will never be lacking as you entrust Me with your entire life, says the LORD.

Do not fear failure, for every purpose that I have ordained for our life will be fully and completely fulfilled, says the LORD.  I always complete what I start, and the good work that I have begun in you will unfold.  I will do all that I said I would do for you and through you and there is no power that can keep Me from it.  It is My blood covenant with you that assures you that I will honor My WORD concerning you as you speak it and apply it to your life and the lives of those you love and minister to.  My Word is alive in you and will continue to produce all that I have sent it forth to do, for it will bring a harvest of healing and restoration in every place that it is sent.  It is life giving and  powerful and penetrating and the things which I have promised will be fulfilled as you proclaim it by faith and wait upon me to perform it, says the LORD.

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