I Am in charge of your destiny and full kingdom purpose in Me, says the LORD. All of your times and seasons are in My hands. I author them and complete them in you. I order every step, and even when you feel that you are at a standstill, just stand in ME, at those times. I Am using these times to prepare you for every purpose that I have ordained for your life. Nothing will be without purpose or value. I Am shaping you and molding you into MY image. Do not fret about the process, for I Am in control of all things concerning you. Trust that I have not abandoned you. I Am not ignoring you. You are in My constant thoughts and your purposes will be fulfilled in Me on time. I Am on task, leading and guiding you one step at a time, and you will not miss My will as you trust in Me at all times, says the LORD.
Do not be impatient, for I have you, says the LORD. I Am way ahead of you, preparing every step that you will take. I will align you with people, places and things that will further you in My Work. Trust that you are on your way to fulfilling your purposes in Me. I will provision you in everything that I call you to do, and you will know the when and how and what and who and why as I move you forward into a new season. I will clarify My voice on the inside of you so that you have the assurance that I AM the one who is speaking and leading you, and as you follow Me, you will have abiding peace in every place that you step, and I will cause you to possess the land of your inheritance that I have ordained for you, says the LORD.