I Give Seed to the Sower - Prophetic Light

I Give Seed to the Sower

I give seed to the sower, says the Lord. The seed is MY Word. I will speak My WORD within you and find-tune it so that you have clarity in this season. You have longed to hear My voice. You have longed for clarity. You have wanted to be sure that it was not the thought or desire of your own heart or your imagination. Do not fret. I have been speaking, I Am speaking, and I will speak. I will teach you the difference between what you think and My higher thoughts. I will show you the difference between your ways and Mine. If it is BIGGER THAN YOU, you will know that it didn’t come FROM you. Stop telling yourself that you have a BIG imagination and that your dreams and plans and desires are delusional. I have placed them within you, so go ahead and dream. I have placed ideas in you, so go ahead and muse over them. I have given you MY wisdom and MY knowledge and MY understanding and MY revelation to USE, says the Lord.

What comes from ME is of Me, so it changes NOT, says the Lord. I do not call forth only to abort. I said I do NOT call forth to abort! I don’t abort anything that I have seeded. I do not have ONE FAILED HARVEST. Did you hear Me? Did you think that I can fail because My success is dependent upon mere people, places and things? I created everything that exists and I Am in complete control in every time and season. I will GIVE YOU the desires of your heart, because I seeded them in you. I will give you the plan that I purposed for your life. I Am your creator and NOTHING, I said NOTHING is impossible for ME. Stop wondering when and how and who and what and stop saying, “Whatever.” I will do what I said and it does not depend upon mere man or man-made things. I created and I can create. I will create. I said I would make all things NEW, and if it is NEW then it did not exist before and I will do what I please for My honor and glory, all by Myself! Just trust ME, for I cannot be delayed, deterred, destroyed, hindered or intimidated. I WILL DO WHAT I SAID because NOTHING CAN STOP ME, ever. Come and hear and be bold enough to speak it. For you do not have to Make My will My Word and My Ways and MY thoughts and MY plans and My purposes come to pass. I WILL. I will do what I said independent of any other, and you can trust that I Who created you and all things will MAKE ALL THINGS NEW, says the Lord.

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