I Have Sent My Angelic Reinforcements

I will under gird you, overshadow you, surround you and indwell you, says the LORD. Why are you troubled within? You cannot lose and the enemy cannot win. I will give you ultimate victory, and you will be undefeated as you place your confidence in Me. I will stand, faithfully by your side, to hold you up and keep you steady on your feet. Resistance forces are no match or ME, and you will not be a victim of circumstances or a captive of the enemy. I have set you free, set you on high, and positioned you in Me, far above the enemies, that are under MY FEET, and under yours as well, says the LORD.

You too shall tread upon the vipers, that will not be able to inject their venom into you. You are shielded by ME, impenetrable, covered and protected by Me, says the LORD. You are not a door mat, nor can the weapons of the enemy destroy or defeat you. I have sent My angelic reinforcements to fight with My army of ready trained warriors, and you will not only overcome, but you will triumph over the evil, the evil doers, and do great feats for Me. I will cause you to shout the victory as you win the battles, win the war, and possess your personal land of promise, even as I have declared that you would do from the beginning, says the LORD.

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