Protection, Provision and Promotion - Prophetic Light

Protection, Provision and Promotion

I will keep you from falling, as I hold you up by My right hand, says the LORD. I will keep you steady and stable. You are never on your own and do not have to stand in your own strength. I Am with you always, not as an observer only, but on task to secure you. I Am your keeper at all times, and in every season of your life. Do not fret about the storms of this life or the news of impending disaster. I Am that place of safety for you. I Am a shelter for you, and will defend and protect you as you submit to My care. Nothing has changed in Me and about Me. I will go with you into the battle against the enemy, and I will be there in the victory celebration with you. I Always cause you to triumph in ME, says the LORD.

I Am your GOD of promotion, not demotion, says the LORD. I Am the One who adds daily benefits to you; I do not subtract. I Am the One Who multiplies and brings the increase. I will not decrease. I will supply all your need, not just some of it. There are no missing elements in the lives of all those who entrust their care to ME. Choose to trust in ME at all times, for no enemy of yours is bigger than Me. I AM the greater One within you, and I cannot be threatened or defeated. I will not only hold you up, but cause you to be undefeatable in Me. Look forward, and not backward, for your good and perfect steps are ordered by Me, and every provision and preparation has been meticulously accomplished by Me. I Am positioning you in My kingdom and your kingdom purpose will unfold and be fulfilled as I have ordained for your life. I cannot be controlled or manipulated or detained, and all is well with you, for all is well with ME, and I do all things well for you, says the LORD.

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