I Know You, I See You, I Hear You, I Care

I know you, I see you, I hear you, and I care, says the LORD. I understand you. You never have to explain yourself to Me. I know your deepest thoughts, your greatest fears, and your pain that you even try to hide from others. I hear every word that you say, every prayer that you pray, and even know your unspoken, silent cries of your heart. I have bottled your tears, numbered every hair on your head, and recorded every sigh you make. You are not a bother to Me, for everything about you is important, says the LORD.

You have My constant attention, and My ears are always open to your cry, says the LORD. I Am aware, and attentive to your needs. I will answer you. I will meet your need. I will take care of you. I will honor your prayers. They are not useless verbiage. Trust in My love for you that is never ending, indescribable, and unimpeachable. You are important to me, and my care for you is meticulous. I know what you have need of much more than you know, and I will not ignore you or leave you to the devices of the evil one. I will grant you the desires of your heart as you shift your dependency upon Me and wait on Me to ack in your behalf. I have everything in control, and you are never out of my sight, out of my reach or void of My care, says the LORD.

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