I Will Amaze You - Prophetic Light

I Will Amaze You

I will amaze you with the signs and wonders that I will perform in your midst, says the LORD. For I will put Myself on display for all to see. Nothing is beyond Me, for I have no limitations. The sky is not the limit. I created everything that exists, and I can certainly do something about it. I have created you and those that you love. Since I have given you life, what is there about you that is beyond ME, I ask? I have fearfully and wonderfully made you, and I will sustain you, says the LORD.

I AM a GOD of miracles, and this is what I do, says the LORD. Nothing is spinning out of My control. I Am absolutely aware of all things and the forces of darkness can never put out My light. Death is not bigger than My LIFE! I Am and there is none beside ME. Nothing is bigger than Me and nothing can alter Me or control Me. NOTHING can contain ME. I Am everywhere. I am NOT in the box of religion or formulas. I do as I please and cannot fit in the smallness of the World that I created. I Am aware of everything and in control of everything. My plans cannot be delayed, nor can I be manipulated. I will do as I said, and every purpose will be fulfilled that I have authored, and nothing can change that. I will furnish a table before you and provision everything that you need, for I have created you for purpose, and placed you geographically for such a time as this. I will use you to bring in the harvest, for look around you and you will see that the harvest is ripe and plenteous, says the LORD.

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