I Will Anoint You With Joy

I will anoint you with joy as I pour my oil of joy all over you and shower you with it as you come into My presence, says the LORD. To come in, you have to come out of something, everything, and even yourself. Come out of that depression and relinquish all fear and doubt. Come out of all the racket around you that is vying for your attention, and Hear My gentle voice that is speaking sweet peace. Come and enjoy the banquet that I have prepared for you, and abandon the pleasures of this life that are a mere mirage. I have the real joy for you, and will give you genuine pleasure in My presence, says the LORD.

You have been weary! You have been overloaded with the cares of this life. COME, says the LORD. Come now, and cast all your care on Me. Come and rest, and be refreshed. I will lavish My love on you, give you fresh anointing, fill you with My Spirit and give you abundant peace. I will carry every burden, every care, and I will carry you. Be quick to enter into My presence, and I will rain down My oil of joy upon you and fill you to capacity to overflowing, and instead of sadness, you will have gladness, and you will laugh and become light-hearted, liberated and free, says the LORD.

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