I Am In Control - Prophetic Light

I Am In Control

Rejoice in ME, says the LORD. I have given you exceeding, precious promises, and I will hear and answer your prayers. I AM in control of your life and circumstances and Am on task to help you always. Look up. Look up and see that there are more with you than against you. Joy and peace await you in My presence. I do not want you to fill your mind with negative thoughts and allow the enemy to plague you with fears of the future. I have you in the palm of My hands and you are safe and secure in Me always. I will not allow you to go without, for My blessings are more than enough. I Am El Shaddai, and I will give you in excess of your need, so be glad and rejoice in your heart, for I Am your source at all times, says the LORD.

Do not fret about the future that is in My hands, says the LORD. I have taken care of all of your needs in the past and you are provisioned by Me today. I will always be there to meet your needs. Even as the children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years with no ability to produce food and obtain clothing, I supplied. Their clothes did not wear out, their feet did not swell, and I fed them manna daily. It was more than enough. I blessed the tiny loaves and fishes and fed the multitudes. There were baskets of leftovers that exceeded what existed in the beginning. I can make something out of nothing, and I will surely take care of you as you entrust your life and family to My care. I will care for you and meet all your need as you simply take Me at My Word, and believe in ME at all times, says the LORD.

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