Nothing is Too Difficult for Me! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Nothing is Too Difficult for Me!

Is anything too hard for Me?  I created everything that exists: the things you see and the things you know nothing about, says the LORD. Even when you look into space through the best telescopic lenses you see very little of what I have created.  The ocean is full of mystery and undiscovered creatures.  How can you limit My ability in your life? How can you not see how precise I Am?  I Am a GOD of detail and there is nothing about you that I do not know. I created you. I know everything about you. I know YOUR thoughts and intentions.  I see your concerns and I know exactly how you feel.  I Am with you always, not as a mere friend that walks with your and talks with you, but I Am with you in My ability to create and recreate. I Am with you to lead and guide you, to counsel you, to provision you, to heal you, to deliver you, and do for you far beyond what you could ever ask or imagine, says the LORD.

Nothing is too difficult for Me, and nothing is beyond My ability to perform, says the LORD. I do not stand idly by and nod my head at your requests for help. I Am actively involved in making plans for you and providing for you. I will bring you out of the darkest trials and bring you into the light of a new day that I create for you. I will open the doors of new opportunities for you and equip you fully to meet the new and exciting challenges that await you.  I AM on task now on your behalf and for those you entrust in My care.  The keys to My kingdom and fullness are in your hands that will unlock the doors and unbar the gates and open the store houses that await you.  Nothing will be unavailable to you as you place your faith and trust in Me fully.  I created you to have fellowship with Me, and you will have every need fully met in My presence where you will discover many hidden pleasures and treasures that I have prepared for you as you draw close to Me, says the LORD.

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