Purchased, Anointed, Appointed, Positioned, Provisioned, Empowered - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Purchased, Anointed, Appointed, Positioned, Provisioned, Empowered

Nothing can separate you from Me and My love that I have for you, says the LORD. For you belong to Me. I have purchased you with My own shed blood and finished work on the cross as you have received Me. I have not only received you, but I own you, and value you greatly. You are redeemed. You are set aside for Me. You are my delight! I have you in the palm of My hands, and you are always in My sight, My thoughts, and My good plans, says the LORD.

I have positioned you, says the LORD. I have honored you as I link your name with Mine. You are My workmanship, and I Am the One Who has anointed you, appointed you, provision you, empowers you, and will use you for My glory. My grace and favor rests upon you and your life is valuable. You will not be idle or unproductive, but busy about My business, and a bountiful harvest of good things and good works is what lies ahead for you, says the LORD.

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