I Am moving in the realm of decree, and as you speak it, I will do it, says the LORD. Even as I watch over My Word to perform it, as you speak My rhema Word and allow it to fill the atmosphere, I will perform it! Let My life giving WORDS flow out of your inner most being through your lips and speak boldly in faith and watch Me execute it! For YOUR MOUTH IS an instrument, and the sword of My Spirit is My Word in your mouth that will penetrate, radiate, transform, deliver, and heal, says the LORD.
What I speak in the secret place to you in My presence, declare, says the LORD. Lift up your voice like a trumpet and let the sound fill the earth with life and light. For My rhema Word is life. It is light. It is powerful and impacting. Do not shut your ears to My still small voice on the inside of you and do not cut off the flow. Open your ears to hear, and your mouth to release My Word and obey what I say. For My will and My Word and My Work are the same, and cannot be separated. It begins with My voice on the inside of you, but it will become as a sound of a rushing mighty wind as My Spirit will carry the sound that will break in pieces the weapons of the dark one, release captives that have been bound and bring healing to the nations, says the LORD.