Steady and Stable

I have made you sure-footed and steady in this season, says the Lord. I will hold you up and keep you from falling. Trust that as you lean on Me, I Am supporting you. You will not falter in the way as long as you are trusting in My unfailing hands. I will steady every step and clear the way ahead. I Am with you and will cause you to stand straight and tall, even in the face the enemy. There is no power that can conquer you because I Am with you to insure your success. NO power can conquer Me or intimidate ME. I will not be threatened by any power and none can succeed in intimidation of YOU. I Am that place of sureness and security for YOU in every season of your life. I will provision you, and NOTHING can separate you from Me as you yoke up with Me. Stay close to ME as I do the leading and you just follow, says the LORD.

It is no time to question, says the LORD. It is a time for you to trust. Endless questions only cause you to tremor. That is not for you. I did not bring fear and doubt into your life, but courage and faith. Be faithful unto ME. I will not and cannot fail. Faith in ME will cause you to KNOW that your life is hidden in ME. If it is hidden in Me, then I envelop you. Do you understand that you are completely safe and secure in ME? When you are IN ME, then I Am carrying you. I Am always feeding you and provisioning you, because you are part of ME. Trust that I have YOU. BELIEVE that the supernatural is NATURAL to ME, and My endless supply is available to you in all things, not just some. NOTHING IS EXEMPT. NOTHING IS OVERLOOKED. I will keep you steady and stable in all times and all areas of your life and the unexpected that comes up, are covered. I have YOU covered and protected and you can hold your head up in complete confidence in My undefeatable presence and power in your life, says the LORD.

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