Forget the Things of the Past - Prophetic Light

Forget the Things of the Past

Forget about the things of the past, says the LORD, for it only causes you grief. I bore your grief and your sorrow on the cross and cleansed you from all unrighteousness by My shed blood that was spilled for you. I have redeemed you and brought you into My family as you received My free gift of salvation. Do not look back on the sins of the past. I have wiped your record clean and cleared you of all guilt as you received forgiveness. Do not look back at the things that hurt you and wounded you, for I Am the GOD that heals you. I have healed your broken heart and fractured life, and given you a new Name. I have placed My own Spirit within you and assigned you to become a mighty warrior in My kingdom. Look ahead and never look back or long to be back in that place of bondage and darkness, says the LORD.

I have given you light for your darkness, liberty for bondage, joy for your sorrow, life for death, victory for defeat, hope for your hopelessness, praise for mourning, provision for poverty and purity for uncleanness, says the Lord. It is all a gift of My grace, mercy and love for you that will never end. So lift up your head with confidence in My finished work on the cross for you and know that as My child, you are free from the ravages of sin. You are pure and holy onto Me, for I have given you a perfect heart. I have made you a child of love and poured My Spirit into you. I have implanted My goodness into you and Am with you always. Look ahead at the new day that I create for you and know that I have made you new in Me. Behind you is the black, stormy clouds that once threatened you, and ahead is the brightness of MY glory. Look straight ahead of you and know that I Am leading you every step of the way of your earthly sojourn, and all is well, says the LORD.

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