My Purpose and Plan - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Purpose and Plan

I have a purpose and a plan that cannot be denied or delayed or aborted, says the Lord. I have everything in My control always. I will not deny you any good thing. It is a time for you to know this. It is a time for you to believe this. It is a time for you to embrace this as truth that you stand upon. It is a time for you to trust in Me and My unimpeachable love and generosity to you. All good things come from Me. All good gifts that I give are not able to be extracted from anyone that receives them from Me. I only have good gifts to give. Nothing else. Trust in Me. Trust that I have all things under My control. Believe and receive My perfect will and plan for your life and entrust all you care for to Me, the Good Shepherd. I know My sheep and they know Me. Trust that I will not withhold any good thing from any of My own. I know what is best. I Am infinite in wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Can you believe that My best will be done in your life, I ask?

I will lead and guide you with My eye continually, says the Lord. As you ask for My will to be done in you and those you love as it is in heaven, and seek Me and My kingdom and My righteousness as your priority, you will not only find Me, but you will know that My plan shall become a reality in your live and the lives of others that you love. Give Me all your cares and let Me carry you as you shift them all onto Me. For I created you and those you love, and did so for My purpose. I did so for My pleasure, and I will supply all of the need that you have by My riches that be in glory at the table in My presence, where you will enjoy the milk and honey and eat the bread of life and drink the new wine that makes your heart glad and receive awesome surprises that I have awaiting you, just for your discovery and delight, says the Lord.

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