Stay Calm - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Stay Calm

Stay calm, says the Lord. Peace! Be still! I Am speaking to you and the storms that are within you. Be still! Quiet down! Stop fretting right now! I Am with you. I Am on scene! You are safe and secure in Me. I have you. I Am in control of your circumstances and I will take care of you, always. This is no different than yesterday or the day before or the weeks and months and years before. I have brought you this far, and I will complete you. Nothing is a threat to Me, and I want you to be steady and stable. For I Am your foundation. You will not be moved. You will not be destroyed. You will not be harmed. I have you, says the Lord.

Nothing is out of My control even when it is spinning out of your control, and others cannot bring any remedy, says the Lord. I have not failed, cannot fail and will not fail you. Calm down now! Stop relying on what you can do or someone else can do and believe that I Am with you as your can do  and will do God! You may ask, “What will I do?” Wait and see! Wait on Me! Stop crying and start believing! For you will see My salvation. I Am your defense. I Am your attorney, the One called along side to help. I Am in control of everything, and that is exactly what you can believe Me for. I will do everything for you that you will believe Me for. I will affect it, change it, and bring you to the safety of My pavilion. I will calm the storms without, as you stay calm and quiet and confident in Me. I will give you a quiet peace now, says the Lord.

My people, Israel of old rejoiced greatly as I delivered them from their oppressive enemy that held them in bondage. They went out with a high hand from Egyptian bondage, after a mighty deliverance. They spoiled their oppressors. But when the enemy chased after them, they began to doubt Me. Do not fear the enemy. Do not fear the circumstances. Fear Me, for I Am the Almighty GOD in the midst of you, and you will not be destroyed. Even as I parted the Red Sea for My people and created a path for them, I will do the same for you, and your enemy will not benefit from this path of escape I have created for you. You will have light and provision, and the enemy will drown in the very place your feet walked. Your enemy is My enemy, and I will defend you and bring you certain victory, every time. Be calm, and trust in My unfailing presence and power in your life, and you will possess your promised land. For what I promise, I will do, and none can stop Me.  Be still and wait on Me, and I will bring it to pass, for you, says the Lord.

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