Be Patient - Prophetic Light

Be Patient

Patiently wait on Me and trust in Me no matter what you see, feel, hear, or are facing, says the LORD.  You are not doing this alone.  I Am with you.  I Am helping you.  You can lean on Me and depend upon me always.  I cannot and will not fail you.  I will keep you from falling as you put your faith and trust in me, regardless of what seems to be delays.  Remember, your times are in My hands. Yes, all of them.  You are in My comforting and supporting hands!  Trust Me, says the LORD.

Do not fret about the unbelievers who scoff at your faith, says the LORD.  Although they may ask where your God is, and laugh you to scorn, I will surely display Who I Am in your life.  I will not be mocked.  Wait patiently on Me, and I will bring it to pass.  Yes, your highest heart’s desire, your vision, your destiny in Me is secure, assured and I will, yes I will bring it to pass, says the Lord.

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