I Have Heard the Cry of Your Heart - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Have Heard the Cry of Your Heart

I have heard the cry of your heart and seen your tears, says the Lord. I know the sorrow of your heart and see the pain that you are experiencing. I Am not ignoring your cry. I Am fully aware of you and your need. I hear every time that you call upon My name. I Know every heartbeat in you. I see your heart of faith and trust in Me. I Am trustworthy. Your faith will not go unrewarded. Your labors of Love to Me will reap a harvest of souls. Your confidence in Me and My infallible Word will not be lost in defeat and buried in a tomb. I will resurrect. I will restore. For I Am the Resurrection and the Life. I will not allow the enemy to go unpunished that is relentlessly roaring and raging against you. He is the defeated one. I call you the undefeatable as you stand in faith and trust in Me, says the Lord.

Did not I say stand, when you have done all that you can do? Let it be known to you that you do not stand in defeat, but in Me, says the Lord. My armor begins with the helmet of Salvation. As I raise up a standard against the evil one, I declare that your household will be saved because of your prayers of faith. I decree that no weapon formed against them or you shall prosper. I have pronounced that your seed shall be blessed. I have spoken that they shall rise up and call you blessed. They shall not perish in unrighteousness, for I know where they are and what they do and what I will do. I will hear and answer your prayers. I will save your household, and they will be a household of faith.  For I not only honor your faith, but I grant you the desires of your heart as you have desired a good thing. You have declared a good thing. You have fought a good fight of faith, and you will see what I can do. I will turn them around and take them out of darkness and bring them into My marvelous light. I will loose them from the enemy’s chains of darkness and set them free. I can, for though you cannot, as you wait on Me to do what I do best, you will see that I can break through the darkness and give light. You will see that if I can harden Pharaoh’s heart of old, I can soften a heart. If I can bring down Nebuchadnezzar the king from his thrown, I can certainly save the lost, loose then from prison and set them free, for with man it is impossible, but with Me, all things are possible. I Am God, and as you stand in faith you will see My salvation for yourself and those you love and entrust to Me, says the Lord.

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