Look Forward

A New Season of Refreshing

I am cutting short the days of your sorrowing and mourning, says the Lord. The time of your refreshing is before you and soon you will embrace my unimpeachable promises. My blessings will overtake you and you obtain them. Look forward, for I only have good things in store for you, and it will exceed anything that you could ever ask or think or imagine. I will do it, because I have purposed and ordained it for your life. My hand is not too short to reach you, to save you, to heal you, to deliver you, to provision you.    Yes, I will give you the fulfillment of every need and bless you abundantly. Your cup of joy will be full to the brim and overflowing onto the lives of others. You will not have room enough to contain all that I have for you. Just as I will freely give you all things to enjoy, you will freely give to others and still have more than enough, because you have entrusted your care to Me, says the Lord.

I have saved you, healed you and preserved you for My highest purposes in My kingdom, says the Lord. There is unity in the desire of your heart and My desire for you. I have placed My desires within you and will grant them to you. Hold onto My unfailing, unchanging hand. I will hold you up in this season and lead you into the next that has unspeakable joy. Hold on tightly for the time of acceleration is upon you. The suddenness of your destiny is rightfully upon you and your future is bright. I have brought you into My kingdom purposes for such a time as this. Do not despair, for the times of refreshing is upon you and your desires will be realized. The struggles and the pain of this present season will be over as you break through the darkness and come into the brightness of My glory into this new season of refreshing, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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