Don't Let Circumstances Distract You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Let Circumstances Distract You

Do not let your circumstances distract you from My presence, says the Lord. I Am with you. I surround you with My love. My holy angels encamp around you. I Am a wall of fire about you and My glory is in the midst of you. Look above and beyond what you see in the physical realm. Look up above what your natural eyes see and you will see Me. Listen to My voice, and squelch out the voice of the enemy and the opinions of others. Shut off your own opinions and hear Me! As you do, you will know that nothing in the natural can superintend your life and destiny. I do. I Am! I Am your God! I Am your destiny. I Am your life. I Am the Sovereign and there is nothing that can defeat you as you look past the natural and see My supernatural presence at work in your life at all times, says the Lord.

I Am not short handed, says the Lord. Angels move at My command. I Am Lord of all. You need not fall short of My glory as I stand in the gap for you and have received you into My kingdom because of your faith in My shed blood and broken body for you on the tree. I stand with you now to fight your battles for you. Stand up and look up, for you are in My kingdom that is without end. You are royalty. You are empowered by My Spirit to overcome, not to be overwhelmed. Everything is subject to Me and you are Mine. Let this truth be in you that I have never failed you, cannot fail, and will never fail. With Me, you cannot ever fail or fall, for I will under gird you, overshadow you, embrace you and hold you up. Look up and be what I have called you to be as you stand, straight and tall in My presence, proclaiming that I Am the Almighty God in the midst of you, and you will never be defeated, and you will not quit, as your victory in Me is undeniable and assured, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. You can also donate through Zelle, using our email address, [email protected]. Thank you and May GOD richly bless you.

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