Exercise Your Faith in Me - Prophetic Light

Exercise Your Faith in Me


I am calling you to exercise your faith in Me and My Word, says the Lord.  Yes, take Me at My Word.  Believe what I have said.  Speak it. Act on it boldly.  I would not promise something that I will not make good.  I Am not favoring others above you.  My word and My will and My work are always the same.  I Am a doer of My Word, and I Am calling you to be a doer of it, too.  I watch over My Word to perform it in your life and those that you care about.  I will hasten My Word to perform it for you, as you believe, says the LORD.

It is not a some day Word, but a now Word, says the Lord.  Do not bring Me down to a human level with limitations.  I, Who created the universe and keep it intact Am completely capable of taking care of you.  There is nothing too hard for Me.  Nothing!  I Am aware of your needs and I have provided for every one of them in My Word. I keep My Word.  Just believe!  Do not be like Peter of old who stepped out in faith onto the raging sea to walk to Me, but faltered because he began to focus on the winds and waves.  There will always be storms in your life, but if you want to walk on top of them and keep the devil, the author of them under your feet, you must believe.  Believe that I exist in your life as your God.  Believe that My Word was spoken for your benefit.  Believe that I Am ready to perform it for you…now, not some future time.  Faith in Me and My Word is what qualifies you to receive all the benefits of what I have spoken.  Boldly use the faith that I have given you and expect your miracle.  I will move in your life in an unprecedented way according to your faith.  Get ready for victory as you align your thoughts with Mine and proclaim that I Am your God.  I Am your source.   I Am your help.  I Am your Healer.  Believe and receive all the benefits of My kingdom in your life, says the Lord.

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