Freedom and Liberty - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Freedom and Liberty

I have liberated you and you are free, says the Lord. You are not bound.  I have loosed the chains of darkness that gripped you.  I have opened the prison door that held you in captivity.  I have broken the fetters that bound you by My finished work on the cross.  Just as I caused My angel to enter into the prison and loose Peter of old from the bonds, I have loosed you.  I have shined My light into your darkness.  I have opened the prison doors for you to walk out freely.  Even the gates of the city will swing open for you at My command.  No, you are not bound.  I have set you free to serve Me.  I have called those things that are not as though they were, because I Am able to do as I please.  It pleases Me to bring about My manifest goodness and mercy into your life.  It pleases Me to bless you abundantly.  It pleases Me to prepare a place of blessing for you.  This is My pleasure to do you good and not evil all the days of your life as you entrust Me with your life and obey My voice and follow Me, says the Lord.

My leadership in your life is a constant, not a variable, says the Lord.  I Am continually with you.  I don’t change My purpose and plan for your life.  Right now I Am on task to perform that which is pleasing to Me, for I alone Am in charge of your destiny.  I will make it happen. I have placed within you the desire of your heart that is the desire of My heart. Therefore I will fulfill it because I have authored it.  I have given you a vision.  I have caused you to dream.  I have whispered My certain will within you, so I will cause it to happen.  Do not look at the negative circumstances, for your circumstances are not dictating your life. I Am.  They will not rule and reign over you.  I do.  I will bring you to your desired end because that is what I purposed within you even when you were within the womb of your mother.  Know that I Am your God, your ever present help in times of trouble.  Know that I will not have you ensnared by the dark one.  I will not allow you to be destroyed.  I have not only come to destroy the works of the devil, but I have equipped you to do the very same thing.  Arise.  Walk out of that illegitimate bondage that is not My will or your destiny.  You are free to live for Me and serve Me, and you are complete in Me, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida,  33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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