I Will Turn Things Around for You

Hold fast to your confession of Faith in Me, says the Lord. Don’t let the negative thoughts of the dark one infiltrate your mind and interfere with your faith in Me. Be steadfast in your faith. Do not waver. Do not give up! You know Me. You Know of My power. You have heard of the things that I have done in the past. I Am the miracle worker, and in days gone by I have a historical record of what I once did. I Am the same yesterday, today and forever. Resurrection power is the same. Healing power is the same! Deliverance is the same. The miracles that I performed as the record of the past are not greater than what I Am today and what I Am doing and what I will do. I Am not a has been God. I Am life giving today. Just hold onto your faith and remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in My work. You may ask what you can do. You can hold onto your faith and trust in Me. This is what pleases Me! It is a vibrant testimony of who you are in Me: a believer and a receiver, says the Lord.

Remember the patience of Job, says the Lord. He questioned. He suffered. He lost. He was falsely accused. People mocked him, scorned him, ridiculed him. His reputation and high position in his community was a thing of the past. All respect for him was gone.  But I turned it around! I gave him a double anointing, a double blessing, double honor and a double portion of everything he had before his testing of his faith. I have a double portion that awaits you.  I have a testimony that awaits you! Hold onto your faith and trust in Me  faith without wavering. Are you going to change your mind about Me? I will not change My mind about you. My love for you, My provision for you, My presence for you and My power is unchanging. What you are going through is just that! You are going through it, passing through it. There is an end to the difficulties. Just look to Me in pure faith and confidence in Me and do as Job did. Say what he said. I was listening all the time. I place no premium on suffering. I turned his captivity around, and I will turn you and your captivity around. Say what he said! He said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” He didn’t have what you have. No one had been an example for him to follow in his day.  You have the record of his sufferings, his sorrow, and the treatment that he received from others who added to his pain. Then you have the record of how I turned it around. I Am the God of the turnaround  for you.  Maintain your faith and confidence in Me with bold and unwavering faith, because I will turn it around for you and the days of your mourning will be over and you will walk in your dream with great, unspeakable, unimaginable joy! Hold on! Hold on to My unfailing Word, My unfailing love, My unfailing power. I Am the changeless God. I am consistent and I want you to hold fast to your confession of faith in Me that will be rewarded abundantly, and you will yet rejoice as you embrace your miracle, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “GOODS and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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