Change is Coming

Hold onto My unfailing hand, says the Lord. I Am leading you out of darkness into the dawning of a new day.  Yes, the day is about to break, and there will be change.  The winds of change are blowing and My Spirit is moving you into a new season.  The old will have passed away and the sudden newness will be upon you.  The time of sorrow will be over, and the rejoicing will begin.  Just as the bride and bridegroom rejoice as the marriage ceremony begins and they look forward to a new beginning, so shall your heart rejoice in Me.  For look, I make all things new.  The old thick dense darkness will suddenly give way to light.  That old sense of hopelessness will only be a memory when your hope springs forth suddenly and you receive the fullness of your heart’s desire that you long waited for.  The depression will give way to songs of deliverance and joyful thanksgiving, for this new season of breakthrough, says the Lord.

Hold on, My beloved child, says the LORD.  Though sorrow endures through the long and difficult night,  joy comes in the mourning.  After your faith has been tried in the fire, it will be more precious than purest gold.  You will be refined.   You will come through as a changed person and will never be the same.  The winds of adversity will no longer blow you over.  You will be stronger than ever before.   You will be pure and holy, undefiled, powerful and undefeated.  Change is coming.  Hold fast to My unfailing hand as I lead you out of the old into the new.  Hold fast to your unwavering faith in Me and My word and let your heart be filled with expectation.  You will rejoice again with exceeding,  great joy and your cup of blessing will be full and running over, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 4 0 4 0 3 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 3 3 5 2 5, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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